• Experiences BIO / 実績

    Absolutely, here's the updated version including Aida's background:


    "Aida, a culinary enthusiast based in Tokyo, Japan, has been sharing her passion for Palestinian cuisine since 2017 through her engaging cooking classes. Born on August 1, 1987, in Gaza, Palestine, Aida is the daughter of a Palestinian father and an American mother. In 1997, she moved to the USA, where she spent her formative years before leaving in 2003. At the age of 18, Aida embarked on a new chapter in her life by marrying and relocating to Japan in 2006. It was in the heart of Tokyo where she found her home and where she welcomed both of her children into the world.


    In 2020, inspired by her Palestinian heritage and driven by a desire to share its flavors with the world, Aida founded 'Aida.Makes' with a mission to introduce the rich tapestry of Palestinian cuisine to Japan while also supporting the Palestinian cause.


    Through Aida.Makes, she not only offers delicious homemade Palestinian dishes but also fosters cultural exchange and raises funds for Gaza. Beyond her kitchen, Aida showcases her creations at various venues in Tokyo, from NamNam Space to flea markets and local beauty salons.


    With every meal sold, Aida contributes to a greater cause, transforming ingredients into beacons of hope. Her culinary artistry serves as a symbol of unity and compassion, bridging cultures and bringing people together in support of a brighter future.


    Join us in honoring Aida's dedication and standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Together, let's create a world where food signifies not only sustenance but also hope, love, and the belief in a better tomorrow."






    Aida.Makesを通じて、彼女はおいしい手作りのパレスチナ料理だけでなく、文化交流を促進し、ガザのための資金を集めています。自宅のキッチンを超えて、AidaはNamNam Spaceからフリーマーケット、地元の美容サロンまで、東京のさまざまな会場で彼女の作品を展示しています。





    Donation / 寄付

    "Portions of the profits from the GoGetFunding campaign will be dedicated to addressing the urgent needs of Palestinian children and families affected by the ongoing crisis in Gaza. As the conflict escalates, innocent lives are increasingly at risk, facing dire shortages of food, clean water, and shelter.


    Your contribution to this campaign can make a significant difference. In addition to donating directly to the GoGetFunding page, your support will enable us to channel resources efficiently to where they are most needed. The funds raised will be allocated towards providing essential aid, including emergency food supplies, temporary shelter, and assistance for those seeking to evacuate from the conflict zones.


    By participating in this campaign, you are joining a collective effort to stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza during their time of need. Your generosity will provide hope and relief to those facing unimaginable hardships, demonstrating compassion and support in the face of adversity.


    Together, we can make a tangible impact and offer a lifeline to those struggling in Gaza. Let's come together to support this crucial cause and provide assistance to those who need it most."


    Here is the translation:




    このキャンペーンへのあなたの貢献は、重要な違いを生み出すことができます。 GoGetFundingページに直接寄付するだけでなく、あなたのサポートは、リソースを効果的に最も必要とされる場所に配分することを可能にします。集められた資金は、緊急の食糧供給、一時的な避難所、および紛争地域から避難を求める人々への支援など、必須の支援を提供するために割り当てられます。



